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January 2004:
February 2004:
March 2004:
April 2004:
May 2004:
June 2004:
July 2004:
August 2004:
September 2004:
"Counsel for Youth", By Daniel Katounakiotis, an Athonite Monk (1902)
"On Priests and Cassocks", By Fr. Epiphanios Theodoropoulos
October 2004:
"Is “Halloween” Just Harmless Fun?"
the Recently Concluded
Inter-Orthodox Conference:
"On the News that the 'Lutheran Church of Germany and the Ecumenical Patriarchate Agree to Mutual Recognition of Baptism' [presented with some well deserved commentary]"
November 2004:
"For There Must Be Heresies Among You", by Archbishop Averky (+1976)
"The Most Beautiful Wedding!... Ever!...", from Kosovo: A great display of courage and commitment to the Faith by a group of brave Serbian Orthodox Christians, in face of immeasurable adversity and danger!.
December 2004: