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(October 2004 -- 2nd Article)
On the Recently Concluded Inter-Orthodox Conference: Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment
SOURCE: A press release by Society of Orthodox Studies
"In love, we reject Ecumenism, because we desire to offer to the heterodox
precisely that which the Lord richly bestowed upon all of us within His Holy
Orthodox Church: the opportunity to become members of His Body."
This, among other things, was stressed at the Inter-Orthodox Conference:
"Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment", which was successfully
co-sponsored by the Department of Pastoral Theology of the Theological School of
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the "Society of Orthodox Studies" in
the midst of large crowds who filled Ceremony Hall at the Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki.
conference took place from
the conference it was noted that the roughly one hundred year old movement of
Ecumenism -- the organized efforts to unite divided Christians -- even if it
was, in the beginning of its development, animated by good intentions, has today
reached a total dead end -- a truth which is confessed by even the most fervent
supporters of inter-Christian dialogue. This is due to the way in which these
dialogues were established and directed, and are conducted even today.
Inter-Christian dialogues, with their unacceptable joint prayers and their
syncretism, quickly led to inter-religious syncretism, the underpinning of which
is the new age theory which proclaims that all of the religions are paths which
lead to the same God.
Ecumenism, with these dialogues, gatherings and joint prayers, is placed among
the so-called New Age, the New Order, and Globalization and serves political and
geo-strategic aims, which are especially visible, even to the most uninformed
observer, after
ultimate conclusion of the conference is that the conditions have matured and
been met and now render imperative the re-examination of the Orthodox Church’s
participation in the “World Council of Churches”, and the so-called Ecumenical
Movement more generally, as well as inter-religious gatherings.
prayer must be flatly condemned and the Local Orthodox Churches must undertake
their heroic exodus from these assemblies.
For this aim to be attained a pan-Orthodox decision is not required, given that the Local Orthodox Churches were incorporated into the W.C.C. and ecumenical movement separately.