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(October 2004 -- 3rd Article)
On the Latest Treason of Orthodoxy:
The Lutheran Church of Germany and the Ecumenical Patriarchate Agree to Mutual Recognition of Baptism... by Dr. Raiser
SOURCE: The Original article came from "http://www.newsru.com/" -- the commentary is from a concerned Orthodox person
The leadership of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (ELCG) and representatives of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate have signed an agreement on the mutual recognition of
the mystery of baptism.
According to this document, from now on it will be impossible to
baptize again Christians transferring from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy and vice
[Hence, this means that the E.P has abandoned Orthodox ecclesiology and embraced the theory of "primordial unity" in one "common baptism" - a novel (and heretical) idea dreamed up by modern ecumenists. Is this not already a "false union" - albeit "partial"??? Do we need to wait for the "common cup" when we already have the "common baptism"? Are the heterodox not baptized into THE CHURCH? What else do they lack then? Are we not one with them in the baptismal womb? Only PREJUDICE (see below) prevents us to commune with one another, as the ever- memorable Fr. John Romanides pointed out after the Balamand Agreement. . . Is there not one righteous Orthodox Hierarch who will publicly denounce this betrayal??]
The agreement was signed for the Orthodox side by Metropolitan Augustine of Germany and by the head of the Department of External Relations of the ELCG, Bishop Rolf Hoppe. At the time of the consultations prior to the signing Metropolitan Augustine reminded us that in the German Orthodox churches of the Ecumenical Patriarchate it has been many years since they rebaptized those converting from Lutheranism. Doctor Dagmar Heller, the head of the Commission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany for Ecumenical Relations with the Orthodox, declared: The basic effect of the signing of this document is the overcoming of prejudice and of mutual misunderstanding.
[As was
said above is shown here - only PREJUDICE prevents us to commune with
one another...We Orthodox who refuse to recognize the baptism of the heterodox
as the Church's baptism are ALL BIGOTS and FANATICS. ]
Representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Germany and the Ecumenical Patriarchate began their discussions in 1969. These
consultations were in the beginning, in part, aimed at the integration of Greek
migrants into German society. In the 60s and 70s a significant number of Greeks
arrived in the major German industrial centres in search of work.
Today the Orthodox church of the Patriarchate of Constantinople has 400,000
people in Germany. This means that this religious community is the third in
numbers after the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church.
In this current year the World Council of Churches has conducted a Conference at
which the possibility of the mutual recognition of the baptism of member
Churches was considered. A similar agreement has been signed by a number of
Australian denominations earlier this year. In 2003 the then General Secretary
of the WCC Doctor Konrad Raiser stated that, if the Churches recognize the
baptisms performed by each other, this will be as much a "revolution" for the
ecumenical movement as Copernicus' discoveries were for science.
[Dr. Raiser is absolutely correct. Mutual Recognition of Baptisms is the "trojan horse" of the heterodox into the Church. And this is why there must be strong condemnation of this agreement. If we are silent now, what is it exactly that we are waiting for to happen before we reject this false "partial" union?]