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January 2021: "What Are the Special Characteristics of Humility? ," by St. Isaac the Syrian, from “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Abba Isaac the Syrian,” Homily 71.
February 2021: "You Were Sent to Me by Christ!," from “Memoirs of a Greek Taxi Driver,” translated by Constantine Zalalas.
March 2021: " Thy Cross We Worship, O Master!," by Archimandrite George Kapsanis (+2017), previous abbot of the Athonite Grigoriou Monastery, translated by Constantine Zalalas, Rochester, NY, March 2018.
April 2021: "Carrying Home the Flame of Faith," by Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, 03 May 2013, delivered following the Matins for Great Friday with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels.
May 2021: "Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Answer to America’s Problems," by Bill Connor, “The Christian Post,” September 30, 2020. Bill Connor, an Army Infantry colonel, author and Orangeburg attorney, has deployed multiple times to the Middle East. Connor was the senior U.S. military adviser to Afghan forces in Helmand Province, where he received the Bronze Star.
June 2021: "The Thorns of Apostasy," by Fr. Zechariah Lynch, from “The Inkless Pen,” October 19, 2020.
† Our publication was interrupted July 2021-December 2021 due to COVID-related impacts and resumed in Januray 2022 †