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January 2020: "On Atheism: The Great Boast of Our Age," by the ever-memorable Photios Kontoglou.
February 2020: "No Wedding Vows?," by the V. Rev. Stephen Freeman, Pastor Emeritus of the St. Anne Orthodox Church OCA parish, Knoxville / Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
March 2020: " Our Path towards Pascha: Declaring Victory Over Fear, Panic and Viruses," a spirit-filled homily given by Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemesou, Cyprus, to his flock, on March 16, 2020. His words and position stand in direct and unfortunate contrast to the actions and position of most of Orthodoxy’s hierarchs, who have unconditionally surrendered the faithful to a Holy Great Lent absent of divine services, and, for many, Holy Communion.
April 2020: "Christ Is Risen!," by Elder Cleopa of Romania.
May 2020: "An Essential Epistle on the Greatest Blasphemy of Our Days," by George Karras, “Orthodox Heritage” editor, May 27th, 2020.
June 2020: "The Bread, the Wine, and the Mode of Being," by Fr. Chrysostom Koutloumousianos, Ph.D., Hieromonk at the Holy Monastery of Koutloumousiou, Holy Mountain.
July 2020: "Signs of Apostasy." Source: Archbishop Averky: One Man in the Face of Apostasy,” from “Orthodox Word”—1986; on the teachings of the ever-memorable Holy Hierarch Archbishop Averky (+1976) of Syracuse and Holy Trinity Monastery.
August 2020: "On Remembrance of Death, Hell, and Judgment," from “Counsels from the Holy Mountain,” from the Letters and Homilies of Elder Ephraim, pp. 144-150.
September 2020: "Spiritual Lessons from Covid-19," by Archpriest Geoffrey Korz; Fr. Geoffrey is a parish priest of the Orthodox Church in America, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
October 2020: "On Conservatives and Liberals," by Fr. John Romanides of blessed memory, form “From Patristic Theology - The University Lectures of Fr. John Romanides,” ch. 29, pp. 108-111.
November 2020: "The Democracy of Hell," by Fr. Zechariah Lynch, Archangel Michael Orthodox Church, Pueblo, CO.
December 2020: "Our New Life: The Nativity of Our Savior," by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky, +1936), first Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This was his 1906 Nativity homily to his flock.