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January 2014: "On the 41st Anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Decision," by Fr. Demetrios Carellas, January 22, 2014.
February 2014: "Orthodox Holy Tradition through the Sciences of Astronomy & Medicine," by Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos, from his book "Empirical Dogmatics."
March 2014: "The Light of Christ," by St. Innocent (Borisov), Archbishop of Kherson.
April 2014: "A Paschal Epistle," by St. John Maximovitch, to his Western European and East Asian flock and to all his spiritual children, 1956.
May 2014: "A Sane Family in an Insane World," by Fr. Seraphim Johnson.
June 2014: "On the Recent Events in Jerusalem and their Ecclesiological Underpinnings," by a Greek Orthodox priest.
July 2014: "The Voice of Orthodoxy: Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus," by Protopresbyter Theodoros Zisis, professor of the Theological School of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, From the Greek Orthodox magazine "Theodromia" (Θεοδρομία), June 13th, 2014 (the article was initially composed in 2007). Translated by the Holy Monastery of Pantokratoros (Melissochori, Thessaloniki, Greece) and edited for clarification by the Greek Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Poimen.
August 2014: "Holy Priesthood & Spiritual Therapy," by Bishop Hierotheos Vlachos, Metropolitan of Nafpaktos and St. Vlassios; excerpt from his highly esteemed book "Orthodox Psychotherapy."
September 2014: "What Is Orthodoxy?," by Protopresbyter George Metallinos, Professor Emeritus, School of Theology, University of Athens, Greece.
October 2014: "On Halloween," by Saint Nicholai Velimirovic.
November 2014: "In Memory of Fr. John Romanides (+11/1/2001)," by Protopresbyter George Metallinos, Dean of the Athens University School of Theology.
December 2014: "Peace from God, Christ Is Born!," by the saintly Serbian Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory (+2009); his 1999 Nativity epistle to the Serbian flock.