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January 2011: "A Dead New Year’s Baby Is Found...," by Angela Michael, Jan. 1, 2010.
February 2011: "On Angels, their Creation, Essence and Nature," by St. John the Damascene, from “An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith.”
March 2011: "Sunday of Orthodoxy: The First Sunday of Great Lent," a sermon by Archbishop Averky of blessed memory, Sunday of Orthodoxy 1971.
April 2011: "Saint Gregory Palamas: Orthodoxy’s Warrior," excerpts from the book “Saint Gregory Palamas as a Hagiorite,” by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos of Nafpaktos.
May 2011: "The Second Coming and the Transformation of the Resurrected Bodies," from the book “Saint Symeon, the New Theologian” by Niketas Stethatos.
June 2011: "The Widow’s Offering," from “Elder Cleopa of Sihastria: In the tradition of St. Paisius Velichkovsky,” by Ioanichie Balan.
July 2011: "Holy Zeal," by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville (+1976).
August 2011: "Reading the Bible," by St. Justin Popovich (+1979).
September 2011: "The Life of our Panaghia is Set before Virgins as an Example," by St. Ambrose of Milan, from "Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers."
October 2011: "The New Martyr Evgeny the Warrior (+1996)," by Hieromonk Joachim, from the web pages of the Russian site "Eastern Orthodox Church" (http://www.pravoslavie.ru/).
November 2011: "The Rightful Omission of Gnostic Writings," by Fr. Barnabas Powell, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church.
December 2011: "The Nativity of Our Lord," by St. John Maximovitch (his 1962 Nativity epistle to his flock).