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January 2008: "The Foundation of the Church: Orthodox vs. Papal Dogma," by Raphael Masterjohn, from “The Light of Orthodoxy,” Vol. 1, No. 2.
February 2008: "The Decalogue of the Ordained Chanter," from the book “The Unwritten Typikon of the Eastern Orthodox Church”, by Reader Ioannis H. Damarlakis, translated by Fr. Luke Hartung.
March 2008: "On The Beatings of Our Lord," by St. Symeon the New Theologian, from the book «Stavroanastasima», published by the Holy Monastery of Saint Symeon the New Theologian.
April 2008: "Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane," by St. John Maximovitch.
May 2008: "A Dark Day in History," By Srdja Trifkovic, from the “Chronicles Magazine,” July 2007.
June 2008: "A Private Letter Concerning Ecumenism," by blessed Elder Paisios the Athonite.
July 2008: "Ecumenism, Orthodoxy and Heresy," by blessed Elder Philotheos Zervakos.
August 2008: "Redeeming the Time," by James (Seraphim) Blackstock, “St. Seraphim’s Fellowship,”.
September 2008: "Why Orthodoxy Does Not Preach 'The Rapture',"by Anthony M. Coniaris.
October 2008: "The Myrrh-Streaming Icons of Hawaii," by Their keeper, Reader Nectarios, from the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church, a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Honolulu, Hawaii.
November 2008: "A Dialogue on Atheism," from the book “From the Life and the Teaching of Father Epiphanios,” by the Holy Monastery of the Theotokos (a men’s monastery, located near the small town of Trizina, in Peloponnese, Greece).
December 2008: "The Mystery of Our Lord’s Loving-Kindness," by St John of Kronstadt—A Sermon on the Nativity of Christ.