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January 2007: "The Slaughter of the Innocents," by Fr. Alexandros Agonistes.
February 2007: "The Orthodox Life," by Fr. Demetrios Carellas (a homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy).
March 2007: "Ascent from Prostitution to Sanctity," from "Harlots of the Desert," by Sr. Benedicta Ward, pp. 27, 29-32.
April 2007: " 'For Perverse Thoughts Separate Men from God' (Wis 1:3)," from "Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain, pp. 29-34.
May 2007: "Recalling St. John Maximovitch," from "Blessed John the Wonderworker," pp. 303-310.
June 2007: "'Union' of the Churches Is the Best Way to Eliminate Christianity," by Alexander Kalomoiros, from his book "Against False Union."
July 2007: "The Voice of One Crying In the Wilderness," from "Orthodoxos Typos," March 16, 2007 issue, p. 1, translated from the original Greek by the Holy Monastery of Pantokrator (Thessaloniki, Greece), http://www.impantokratoros.gr/ .
August 2007: "The Papacy and Its Unholy State: A Worldwide W a k e - u p C a l l to Orthodox Leaders," by Raphael Masterjohn, from "The Light of Orthodoxy," Vol. 1, No. 1 (07/15/2007).
September 2007: "Man’s Union with God: Guiding the Nous in Theoria," an excerpt taken from the letters of Elder Joseph the Hesychast, from "Monastic Wisdom," thirty-fifth letter (Florence, Arizona, St Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, 1988).
October 2007: "A Tale of Falling and Repentance," by Abba John of Lycus (from "The Lausiac History," by St. Palladius).
November 2007: "The Core of Our Holy Faith’s Spirituality," by Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, from “Orthodox Spirituality: A Brief Introduction”.
December 2007: "The Lord Has Risen up in Judgment," by St. Nikolai Velimirovich.