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January 2006:
February 2006:
March 2006:
"Pharisees, Humble Yourselves!" by the Rev. Metropolitan Avgoustinos of Florina, from the weekly bulletin “Kyriaki,” Feb. 20, 2005.
"Lord, Have Mercy" by the Rev. Metropolitan Avgoustinos of Florina, from the weekly bulletin “Kyriaki,” Feb. 13, 2005.
April 2006: "Let Us Stand Aright, Let Us Stand With Fear!” L a i t y w i t h i n t h e H o l y A l t a r?," from the Holy Mountain publication “«Σελίδες Ἐρήμου» (Pages from the Wilderness)”, October 2004, translated from the Greek by the staff of the Greek Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Poimen.
May 2006:
June 2006:
July 2006:
August 2006:
September 2006:
October 2006:
November 2006:
December 2006: