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(November 2009)
Death, Children & H1N1
By Karen Schuberg, CNS News Network, November 3, 2009.
A CDC report released last Friday placed the death toll from H1N1 at 114 for persons aged 18 or younger. The week of Oct. 18-24 saw 19 laboratory-confirmed pediatric deaths from H1N1. Since August, 65 children have died from the virus and 12 have died from an unknown subtype of Influenza A. Since April 26, only 1 child has died from seasonal flu.
Meanwhile, in a 2008 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC said that in 2005, the most recent year for which abortion data is available, 820,151 legal abortions were reported from 49 reporting areas.
According to Guttmacher data, which are considered more up-to-date and more accurate than federal government statistics, 3,305 babies on average lose their lives to abortion daily. In 2005, the number of abortions totaled 1,206,200 children. Guttmacher spokeswoman Rebecca Wind told CNSNews.com that her organization’s data are more “complete” than the CDC’s because, rather than relying on state self-reports, Guttmacher contacts abortion providers directly.
“Guttmacher conducts a census of all known abortion providers in the United States,” Wind explained. “The CDC compiles data that are submitted by state departments of health and depend on state reporting requirements, which vary from state to state. In 2005, California, Louisiana, and New Hampshire did not provide data to the CDC.”
Moreover, the CDC does not factor in how many children die from the legal abortion-inducing drug mifepristone, also known as RU-486.
Based on the Guttmacher statistics, an estimated 694,050 children were killed by abortion over the last seven months—not including deaths from abortion drugs taken privately, outside of clinics. Brian Clowes, director of research at Human Life International, told CNSNews.com that while it is “sad” that 114 children have died from the H1N1 virus since April, the contrast is overwhelming.
“Over that same seven months, over 700,000 pre-born human beings have been killed legally by abortion in the United States,” Clowes said. “Yet we tolerate the death toll from abortion because we have come to believe, contrary to science and every mother’s experience, that the unborn human being really isn’t a human being.”
Clowes added: “This staggering inconsistency hardly even shocks us anymore, as the latest ‘pandemic’ never even begins to reach the death toll that we have grown to tolerate from legalized abortion. Ignoring the by-far-largest killer of children in favor of the latest fashionable panic goes beyond mere irony; it speaks of a deep societal sickness that we can hardly comprehend because it is so pervasive.”
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Mt 11:15).